Some of my favorite drawings and paintings that I've done

Blue Thwarmp copyright (c) 1980

(Pen and ink and colored pencil)


Pink Thwarmp copyright (c) 1980

(Pen and ink and colored pencil)


Teapot  copyright (c) 2005



Isadora Duncan the Anteater copyright (c) 1978

(Watercolor, pen, ink, and colored pencil)


Eggs   copyright (c) 1977

(Pen and ink)


Here are some pictures I did during a two-day workshop at the Kirkland Art Center using chalk pastels.

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This picture was fun to do because of the translucent green bottle, and the reflective surfaces on the ceramic objects.


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Our teacher had us go outside and get some natural object to draw.  I found these blackberries, even though it was November.  This little branch is greatly enlarged; the paper size is about 18" x 24".  I particularly enjoyed rendering all the different colors of the berries, all on the same branch.


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This is my favorite one.  The colors don't really come through as rich as they really are in the original.  This one is quite large, about 24" x 36".


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This was an interesting still life to do, because of all the strange objects, like the Thai mask and the large bone (I think my teacher said it was an elk pelvis from Alaska that someone brought for her.) I was so intent on capturing the reflected light on the underside of the eggs that it took me awhile to get the shadows under the eggs just right.   My teacher kept on telling me that the eggs looked like they were floating over the surface of the blue cloth.   Also, I almost forgot to color the piece of cloth that you see through the hole in the pelvis; I had left it white, like the bone, until almost the very end.