Pecan Tarts


3 oz. cream cheese

½ cup margarine or butter

1 cup sifted flour

 Blend together, and slightly chill dough.


 1 egg

 ¾ cup brown sugar

1 tablespoon soft butter

1 teaspoon vanilla

 Dash of salt

 Mix together thoroughly, but not too frothy.   

 Have ready 2/3 cup chopped pecans.

 Remove small amount of dough; roll into a small ball, then press into small, fluted tart pans.  Add a few pieces of chopped pecans.  Fill until half full with filling, then add more pecans. (There is usually a lot of filling  left over; do not overfill pans!)

 Place filled tart pans on baking sheet.  Bake at 325 degrees for 20 – 25 minutes.  Cool for a few minutes in  pans, then remove.